### Just echo echo -e "\033[38;5;xx;48;5;xxm TEXT \033[0m" ### sh/bash prompt export PS1='\[\033[38;5;xx;48;5;xxm\] \W \[\033[0m\] \$ ' # foreground only: export PS1='\[\033[38;5;xxm\] \W \[\033[0m\] \$ ' # background only: export PS1='\[\033[48;5;xxm\] \W \[\033[0m\] \$ ' ### zsh prompt PROMPT='%F{xx}%K{xx} %~ %k%f %# ' # foreground only: PROMPT='%F{xx} %~ %f %# ' # background only: PROMPT='%K{xx} %~ %k %# ' ### CSS color: rgb(x, x, x); /* color: #xxxxxx; */ background-color: rgb(x, x, x); /* background-color: #xxxxxx; */ ### ls/grep/less/vim/tmux... export LS_COLORS='di=38;5;xx;48;5;xx' # foreground only: LS_COLORS='di=38;5;xx' # background only: LS_COLORS='di=48;5;xx' ls --color=always / export GREP_COLORS='ms=38;5;xx;48;5;xx' grep --color=always root /etc/passwd export LESS_TERMCAP_md=$'\e''[38;5;xx;48;5;xxm' export LESS_TERMCAP_us=$'\e''[38;5;xx;48;5;xxm' man man # vim: ~/.vimrc :highlight Normal ctermfg=xx ctermbg=xx # tmux: ~/.tmux.conf line set -g status-style bg=colourxx,fg=colourxx All these commands have a lot of options. Take a closer look at man pages grep↗ tmux↗ dircolors↗ termcap↗ terminfo↗ bash↗ zshmisc↗ |